How do you know if your multi vitamin is effective?

I was told that the water test is the best way to find out if your multi-vitamin is effective. Drop your vitamin in a glass of water. If it doesn't dissolve within 20 minutes, you are wasting your money. Especially effective are vitamins are in a gel capsule & have to be taken twice daily.

This is what my nurse practitioner told me at my last visit and I thought it was good info. She also said diet is the best way to get your nutrients so eat, eat, eat everything that doesn't come in a package or a box :)


  1. This is great information Lisa and I'm going to check my vitamins tonight once the kidos go to sleep. It is so important to have a good vitamin...not only for your health but also for your skin! I am excited to read about the many different ways Sensaria has worked for other people.
    Cheers! Shannah

  2. PS I want to throw another spa jamma party again....soon!!

  3. That spa jamma party was awesome! I'll definately look forward to repeating that one :) Gotta go, I'm going shopping for my slippers ...

  4. Interesting, I am going to try this!
